Dr. med. phil. Thomas Zeffiro

Dr. med. phil.
Thomas Zeffiro
Chief Scientist (CRO)
Behavioral Neurologist
Data Scientist
Clinical Neuroscientist
Chief Scientist (CRO)
Salomo AG
Visiting Scientist
University of Zurich
Visiting Scientist
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Neurometrika, Potomac, MD
Neural Systems Group, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant in Psychiatry
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Vice President and Medical Director
Sensor Systems, Inc., Sterling, VA
Senior Staff Fellow
IRP, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Assistant Professor
Neurology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Ph.D. in Neuropsychology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
Resident and Clinical Fellow in Neurology
Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, PA
Zu neuronalen Mechanismen neuropsychiatrischer Störungen
- Abnormal processing of visual motion in dyslexia revealed by functional brain imaging. Eden GF, VanMeter JW, Rumsey JM, Maisog JM, Woods RP, Zeffiro TA. Nature. 1996 Jul 4;382(6586):66-9.
- Neural systems affected in developmental dyslexia revealed by functional neuroimaging. Eden GF, Zeffiro TA. Neuron. 1998 Aug;21(2):279-82.
- Neural changes following remediation in adult developmental dyslexia. Eden GF, Jones KM, Cappell K, Gareau L, Wood FB, Zeffiro TA, Dietz NA, Agnew JA, Flowers DL. Neuron. 2004 Oct 28;44(3):411-22
- The cerebellum and dyslexia: perpetrator or innocent bystander? Zeffiro T, Eden G. Trends Neurosci. 2001 Sep;24(9):512-3.
Zur Verwendung quantitativer Methoden in der Neuroimaging-Forschung
- Meta-analysis of the functional neuroanatomy of single-word reading: method and validation. Turkeltaub PE, Eden GF, Jones KM, Zeffiro TA. Neuroimage. 2002 Jul;16(3 Pt 1):765-80.
- Enhanced visual functioning in autism: an ALE meta-analysis. Samson F, Mottron L, Soulières I, Zeffiro TA. Hum Brain Mapp. 2012 Jul;33(7):1553-81
- Upper limb recovery after stroke is associated with ipsilesional primary motor cortical activity: a meta-analysis. Favre I, Zeffiro TA, Detante O, Krainik A, Hommel M, Jaillard A. Stroke. 2014 Apr;45(4):1077-83.
Zur Verwendung funktioneller Neuroimaging-Verfahren in klinischen Studien
- Parietal operculum and motor cortex activities predict motor recovery in moderate to acute stroke. Hannanu FF, Zeffiro TA, Lamalle L, Heck O, Thuriot A, Krainik A, Hommel M, Detante O, Jaillard. Neuroimage: Clinical. 2017
- Neural changes following remediation in adult developmental dyslexia. Eden GF, Jones KM, Cappell K, Gareau L, Wood FB, Zeffiro TA, Dietz NA, Agnew JA, Flowers DL. Neuron. 2004 Oct 28;44(3):411-22.
- De Patre D, Van de Winckel A*, Panté F, Rizzello C, Zernitz M, Mansour M, Zordan L, Zeffiro T, O’Connor EE, Bisson T, Lupi A, Perfetti C. A case report of visual and motor recovery after 8 months of „cognitive therapeutic exercises“ in cortical blindness. JNPT. 2016
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